Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sundays -- what is it about Sundays!!!

Now I realize this might come as complete shock to most of you, but I have to admit that I'm struggling with the whole "Sunday" thing. I know, knock me right off the pedestal.

Honestly though. I spend hours trying to prepare throughout the week. I read the lessons, try to think happy thoughts, get geared up and say this Sunday will be different, try to prepare the house, etc., etc., etc. Sunday morning rolls around and the circus begins. Our church doesn't begin until 1:00 p.m. Problem numero uno (I know I'm sinking to a Spanish low, but it doesn't sound as good in Portuguese). How do you keep the Sabbath spirit all morning with the kids? Then there is the bathing, dressing, making sure they have lunch without spilling on their clothes, changing the clothes, run out the door (you'd think we'd be on time . . . . after all we've had ALL morning), and rush to find our seats.

Next, show time. The kids are hungry (Did I bring snacks? No, we just ate!!), they don't like who they are sitting next to, musical chairs begin as they try and negotiate a new position on the bench, the bag that's packed isn't "interesting" enough and it is more fun to bother the closest sibling, they try and snag a "meal" from the sacrament tray, etc., etc., etc.

By the time the meeting is over, the parents look like they've been through a tornado. Forget any hairdo or make-up that might have been in place when you left the house. That is long gone. The clothes are a wrinkled mess and the bench looks like Hurricane Andrew crashed through. I look over at Karsten and wonder why in the world do I do this to myself every single week. Did we get anything out of that?

And it doesn't stop there. Oh, no. We still have the afternoon/evening to come home to. My nice clean house doesn't exist (I swear Gremlins live in my house and trash it while we are at church), the kids are too hungry to wait for dinner and therefore the dinner isn't eaten when it is made, all the pent-up energy explodes as we get in the door, and I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, the Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of worship, of recharging ones' "batteries", and gearing up for the following week." HOW COME IT KEEPS MISSING MY HOUSE?????


Mueller Ohana said...

To make you feel any better, that sounds exactly like our house. As for sacrament meeting, I wish we had our own private room so I wouldn't get so stressed out:)

Rachel said...

All for the simple reason that someday we'll be able to sit in our own little benches while we watch our kids go through the same dag nab thing and we can snigger and sigh a huge sigh of relief that those days are OVER!