Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's only hair mom

There is a rule in our house.  Well, it's not really a rule, but more an unspoken agreement.  It began when the Queen of the castle decided that hair was an artist's canvas and over the years filled her portfolio with all sorts of combinations of styles and colors.  It grows, it changes color, it can be cut, it can be styled, and so on and so forth.

I think I'm pretty tolerant of hair.  Of course, I do draw the line at some things, but for the most part . . . . have fun.  After all, it is only hair.

Keeping that little nugget in mind, my offspring #1 decided her hair had to go.  No problem.  Her best friend's sister cuts hair.  What could possibly go wrong?

I think I need to be more specific on the unspoken agreements we have around here.


Rachel said...

Oh. my. gosh! SHANIIIIIIIIA!

Sarah Tolman said...

Wow. That's all I can think of is wow.

SwedenMissionaryMom said...

Have you seen Jessicas Mohawk on Facebook? She make me so "proud" (sensing some sacrasm?)..

Christensen's said...

Wowie WOW WOW! Not so sure about that!