Monday, August 4, 2008

Following the prophet -- at all costs . . . .

Some people say they have a green thumb. Others say theirs is a slight shade of purple. And others will confess their thumb is closer to the color black. If a black thumb means your gardening is less than par, what possible colors can be left for those of us that can't even grow dirt???

I tried to do as I was told. I planted at the right time. There were tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, peppers, and carrots. I even planted things that technically shouldn't grow in our hot climate. Our lettuce deteriorated on the spot -- no surprise there. My peas thrived for about a month and then succumbed to the harsh realities of nature.

Yet, as often happens to me, not only did I not get a single tomato and as you can see my cucumber plants have definitely seen better days, the only "harvest" I was able to squeeze out of my pathetic garden was four winter peas.

Yes, you read correctly. In a climate where vegetables like peppers, beans, and cucumbers thrive on heat -- I have failed. And vegetables that shouldn't even break the surface in the glaring heat of the sun brought forth their best and gave me a couple of winter peas to enjoy.

Mother nature is cruel. If it isn't my lack of gardening thumbs, it is the jack rabbits. But, I planted. My family will starve if we ever need to rely on my "skills", but I will prevail and try again . . . . . . later!!!


Rachel said...

Okay, I am laughing so hard. Your pathetic garden!! This is what you get for all of those asparagas plants you ripped out of mom's garden years ago.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. You did try. It is just typical.

Sarah Tolman said...

You and me both sister! Canned good were made for us.