Sunday, October 10, 2010

Yesterday's thin is tomorrow's fat

I'm tired of being fat.  "Fat?" you say, "Oh, give me a break.  Fat between your ears."

No, really!!!  I can prove it.

If I look at a doughnut, I gain weight.  If I sniff a brownie, I put on weight.  If I even THINK about a cookie, I gain weight.  Dang it!!!!  There goes 5 pounds.  Let me show you what is the "new" sexy.

 Okay, so in REAL life, I thought this person was pretty slender.  Obviously, not enough.

 Just when you thought lipo was enough.  Now you have to not only shave your legs, exfoliate said legs, buff them, oil them, and then if you even THINK you can put these pants on, guess again.  You need a shoe horn!

Are legs supposed to go into those things?  Oh, I get it.  The shirt covers the upper part of the body that can't fit in those things.  I now understand the "pants down around the lower butt" look.

I personally like the look of that painting years ago of the voluptuous woman looking over her back at the camera.  She has "meat" on her bones, has a few roles, and is still sexy and happy (I'd search for that picture but I'm too scared of what will come up).

How come those of us who have had a real life meaning having had kids, not exercising hours in the gym, no chef, no money to have all body parts altered, etc.  are considered "fat" and not sexy or desirable?

Well, I flip my nose at all of you's. AAAWWWW, who am I kidding.  I fight the bulge, deprive myself of a few calories, hit the gym more than is healthy, pinch my fat, and wish for smaller numbers.  I'm going to dish up another bowl of ice cream.


Rachel said...

Frustrating isn't it? That photo is sad though. If ever somebody is anerexic that girl is. That isn't an ad for skinny jeans. That is an ad promoting eating disorders.

I've said the same thing many times. What ever happened to the romantic era where women were vuluptuous and sexy? I want that era to return!

Sarah Tolman said...
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Sarah Tolman said...

So we are not the only ones who are upset by this photo. Take a look.