Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is what happens on a Saturday night in Redding

Life gets boring around here.  It has been raining, can't get out and play, and I became the excitement for the evening.

If you think this looks like fun, you should see the end result.  Wish I could give you a picture, but I'm still trying to get over the shock!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's be honest -- Happy New Year

I'm sure there is a spot in heaven dedicated to all my great intentions of sending out Christmas cards.  I even decided that if I couldn't get one out at Christmas, I'd just title it my New Year's Letter and no one would be the wiser.  Now I have the dilemma of trying to figure out when it is too late to send out the New Year's Letter.  Rather than stress myself out any further, here are the pictures we were going to send.  Enjoy!!

It's only hair mom

There is a rule in our house.  Well, it's not really a rule, but more an unspoken agreement.  It began when the Queen of the castle decided that hair was an artist's canvas and over the years filled her portfolio with all sorts of combinations of styles and colors.  It grows, it changes color, it can be cut, it can be styled, and so on and so forth.

I think I'm pretty tolerant of hair.  Of course, I do draw the line at some things, but for the most part . . . . have fun.  After all, it is only hair.

Keeping that little nugget in mind, my offspring #1 decided her hair had to go.  No problem.  Her best friend's sister cuts hair.  What could possibly go wrong?

I think I need to be more specific on the unspoken agreements we have around here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Too tired to go to bed!

from: palmettobug53.

Just to let you know how incedibly tired I am, I can't make this stupid thing  align to the left.  And, of course, it is the machine that is stupid.  Don't even think it!!!!

Ever been so tired that you can't think straight, can't walk straight, can't focus your eyes, can't stop moving or will fall over, catch yourself staring blankly at nothing and wondering how long you have been like that, sure there is something you should be doing but can't seem to remove your behind from the couch, etc., etc.?

That would be me!!!  I want to go to bed sooo bad.  Go to bed!, you say.  Well, slight problem.  If I retire to my bed at this hour, I will wake up at 3:00 a.m. and heaven knows I don't want to be up at that ridiculous hour.  Oh, but you can get so much done.  The kids will be in bed, the house will be silent, I won't have to interrupt my "whatever" I'm doing to help out my ingrates.  Think of the possibilities.

NO, NO, NO, NO!!!  I want to go to bed and sleep for 8+ hours without interruption.  I want to lay down on my pillow, close my eyes, and dream of ocean waves and sandy beaches.  I want to fall asleep with a smile on my face and no thoughts pushing and shoving for attention.  I want to feel the calm of the night air and the stillness of slumber.  I want to spend the complete night wrapped up in my favorite blanket.

Oh, fabulous bliss!!!!  Where are thou, bliss????  Can you hear my pleas????  STOP IGNORING ME!!!!  You're as bad as my kids. . . .

Monday, January 4, 2010

Self-sabotage & obssessions!

How many times have you been asked, "What is the purpose of life?"  And how many times have you reached into your Primary memory banks and smartly replied, "The purpose of life is to gain a body and live life in such a way so you can return to live with your Heavenly Father."  Text book question and text book answer.

I have come to the conclusion that this is not my purpose in life.  I have tried to conform, but no matter how hard I try I keep getting slingshot back to reality.  See, my life has its moments of peace.  I mean, things are really moving along nicely.  That must be my mistake.  I get comfortable and complacent.

When, bam, my little, pea brain begins to stir and I panic.  Life cannot be this pleasant!  There is something missing!  What did I do wrong?  Then the anxiety kicks in, the hyperventilating, looking over my shoulder, checking everything more than once, pinching myself to see if this is a dream, and finally coming to the conclusion that I need complicated.

Such a moment has occurred.  I couldn't leave well enough alone.  NOOO!!!!  I had to go and throw everything away.  I'm going to stay up at night, sweating, and wondering if everything is okay.  I'm going to be crawling around on my hands and knees randomly sniffing the carpet for evidence of foul play.  I'm going to be checking cupboards and all the contents before I shut the doors to make sure there isn't anything in there that doesn't belong there.  I'm going to be demanding silence and straining my ears in hopes of hearing the appropriate scratching noises.

Why must I always create chaos???  Did I not have enough gray hairs?  Is my scalp not itchy and flaking enough?  Do I not have enough excuses to indulge in pounds of chocolate and then agonize over pounds of flesh?

But there I was behind the wheel of my car, travelling an unfamiliar road, parking at an unfamiliar house, smiling and trying to act sane to an unfamiliar face, and then carting back to my car . . .  not one . . . but TWO unfamiliar kittens.  And, to top it off, they are male.  WHAT WAS I THINKING???????

So to that simple question of what is my purpose in life comes the simple answer -- to find anything and everything I can think of that will end my moments of peace and thoroughly drive me further and further insane.  And, I will have you know I am succeeding fabulously at my purpose.