Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does this explain everything or what??!!!!

Tonight is New Year's Eve.  It is the time when we can eagerly anticipate the coming year and all the wonderful experiences that lie ahead.  A time of excitement for the unknown.  Contemplating the possibilities.

It is when we reflect on the past year and evaluate the progress we made towards our goals.  We sit with our families and make new goals that will help us realize our dreams.  We look forward to the dates when individual milestones will be reached and prepare for the next ones.

Eating junk food and playing games all evening.  The cheering at the stroke of midnight, little shared unmentionables, smiles, and tender hugs.  A picture-perfect moment.

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!  Now, go back and look at the picture again.  A new year on it's way?????  Why do I feel like the cat???

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I hate my washer!!!!

I have this wonderful washer -- or so I thought. These amazing settings for every type of clothing. Multiple settings for water temperature. Settings for how much of a spin you want. Even settings for how dirty your clothes are. How wonderful is that!!!

Okay, so with all those wonderful things, how come my clothes are still shrinking??? I follow all the rules. I check the "washing instructions" for each item. I even air dry most of my things. But, yet, I put the clothes in at a size "12" and it keeps coming out size "4". I swear, I'm going to sue the washing machine company.

See for yourself!!! Proof is in the picture. Pictures don't lie!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trying to be thankful

I read my sister's blog and my heart went out to her. I am healthy. I am strong. I can run. I can get up and move around without pain. I can cook and clean for my family. I can get out of bed in the morning and help my children get ready for school. I can send my children to school and be fairly confident they will return home to me without too many events in the afternoon. I can go to bed at night without wondering if I will be able to do it again tomorrow.

Wow, how easy it is for me to complain about having a headache or a little extra weight, the weather not being to my liking so I don't exercise, feelings of complacency and not getting things done, wishing the school day was longer, staying up too late and feeling lousy the next day . . . and I could go on and on.

How many times do I find myself wallowing in self-pity? Just spend a little time in someone else's shoes. I think Michael J. Fox made the comment, when asked if he could trade his trials for another's, if he put his trials on the table with everyone else's -- he'd pick his own after all.

I love my sister and she is a shining example of strength, perseverance, faith, endurance, service, and love to only name a few. Wish I could be there to give her a hug.