Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm a dictator!

They say you can learn quite a bit about yourself in a few minutes listening to your children and the way they talk to each other, play, etc. Today my eyes were opened.

On our way back from grocery shopping, a task that I detest and wait until the ribs on the kids are showing before I realize they really do need food to survive, McCade was playing quietly in the backseat with his pirate action figure. There were a lot of "aaarrgs" and "matees", crashing sounds, and all those wonderful noises that pirates make. Among the chaos I hear(in a very piratey voice), "And get your chores done or you will never leave this place."

The light has dawned, the mists have cleared, the horizon has come into focus. Kids don't get to leave home until they learn to get their chores done. What an amazing paradigm shift. All I have to do is teach my children to do their chores correctly and they are out of here!!!! No wonder it takes until they are 18 and then the parents kick them out because they figure if they haven't learned by now, they never will.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

If that is the case......I'm in trouble....not a day goes by that one of the kids isn't schlepping their chores.....