Friday, December 12, 2008

Onion body armor

I usually refrain from advertising my good looks and otherwise covetous features. But, as many of you will want to adopt some of my fashion sense and beauty secrets I thought I would flatter myself just this once.


Charly said...

Hey! I have that same crackpot! I mean crockpot.

Cindy Jacobson said...

I keep an old pair of swim goggles in my kitchen cupboard for such an occassion :)

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh Virginia! You got the photo up! I am falling off of my stool laughing my head off! Oh that is just precious. I love the whole get up....the robe...the goggles......that is just priceless.

L Rammell said...

I don't get what's so funny. Doesn't everyone do this? I think the least you coulda done is mess up your hair a little so I'd feel better... love you! Lor