Saturday, September 27, 2008

God's creation

It never ceases to amaze me the beauties that surround us, if we would just open our eyes. I took Shania to Susanville (112 miles) for her soccer game today -- which their team won and she received the praise of her coach as being the only one that played her position perfectly -- brag, brag!!! But that wasn't what I wanted to write about.

As we drove over the mountain, I couldn't get enough of the magnificent, pine trees that lines the road. The leafing trees (I won't pretend that I know any of the names of any of the trees around here) were changing colors and the brilliant golds, reds, and yellows were scattered all through the forests. As I came up over different peaks and saw into the little valleys, I could see small streams or a couple of lakes that were tucked back away from the chaos of the road and cars that zoomed by.

Off in the distance, next to a grove of fallen trees I spotted a couple of deer. One was eating while the other was watching as sentinel.

How can anyone deny that there is a loving Heavenly Father and not marvel at the creation that He placed before us for our enjoyment? How can anyone say that there isn't a purpose for our existence or that we are not the crowning glory of His vast creations?

Yet, it has recently been brought to my attention that both Levi's and PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric -- the big utility company here) are paying large sums of money to defeat the bill to protect marriage. The opposite of what this bill stands for that will violate the ultimate gift that can be given to all mankind.

When one steps back and looks at the grand scheme of the universe or even the little ant that walks through the grass in the yard, if that person would stop and let the spirit whisper to his heart, there is no denying our Heavenly Father exists, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, helped to create all of this Earth for us, and wants us to return to live with Him again.

A humbling thought when we realize that not only has He given this to us, but He can take it away. I can't imagine the pain our Heavenly Father must feel at the misunderstandings and abuse that we allow the adversary to introduce into our lives.

I'm thankful for those quiet moments when I can reflect on the love of Jesus Christ and the assurance that floods my mind knowing I can have faith in Him and turn to Him, working toward returning to Him someday.


Sarah Tolman said...

Amen to that sister.

Luv ya

Rachel said...

Beautifully written. Thank you for writing this.

I think this is why it is important for all of us to visit nature we can be touched and reminded of our Heavenly Father and His creations. Maybe this is another reason I have such a pull towards mountains. Not only did I grow up in them but I can better feel our Heavenly Father and His love for us there in the mountains.