Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blasted earthquake!!!!

Last night, I was reading and minding my own business when I could have sworn my ceiling was caving in. It all started with a slight shaking of my couch, which I yelled at the kids for disturbing my reading only to remember they were all in bed and couldn't have bumped the couch. I looked up and was attacked by huge, killer dust bombs. After gasping, panting, and flailing my arms to ward off this onslaught of enemy artillery I rolled out of my blanket cocoon and huddled on the floor. "Did you feel the earthquake?", Karsten yelled from the back room. Oh great, now my house is going to fall down.

It's bad enough when you shuffle down the halls of the house and realize the only reason you can't pick up the pace is because all of your energy is being spent lifting your feet above the rising tide of debris left by well-intentioned children. Now I have to worry about my house falling down because the dust that is holding everything together is being jarred loose by offending earthquakes.

I had nightmares last night. You would have thought it was about the building falling on my children and wondering if laying next to their beds would be a safe place. You know you read about the places to be when an earthquake hits and one of them is next to furniture so when things fall they can lay on an open space. No, those weren't my nightmares. Mine involved mountains of dust that would sift down through the cracks. Have you ever seen the movies of volcanoes and the dust that is in the air? That would be my house.

I don't believe the earthquake last night was a sign to me that I need to get my food storage, etc. in order. No, actually, it was more of a sign that if I don't get my house clean I wont' be able to find my kids without a bulldozer. And just when I was beginning to enjoy my book!!!!


Rachel said...

Ooooh, what book????

Sherri says dust is the glue that holds a house together so what ever you do DON'T DISTURB IT. If you lived in "Zion" you wouldn't have to worry about earthquakes...I'm sure we have none here. :o)

Mueller Ohana said...

Ya...What book is so good you can't put it down? I'm reading a Harlan Coban book right now but nothing is as good as the Twilight Books.
BTW I loved your reason for the earth quack. Your hilarious!!!
